Saturday was Ms. Myrna's one-month birthday. She spent the day at home, drinkin' it up til she was spittin' it up, napping, and playing with her new iPod (which matched her outfit, at least until she wet herself).
Sunday started off soupy and gray, but we chanced an out-of-town excursion nevertheless. Fortunately, the clouds burned off for a rather lovely afternoon visit to neighboring Bonn. The day will live in infamy as (1) Myrna's first train ride, (2) Myrna's first journey outside central Köln, (3) Myrna's first visit to a one-time European national capital, (4) Myrna's first on-the-go diaper change, and (5) Myrna's first Spaziergang with her new stroller, which the Jabbusches had graciously lugged over from Seattle. (It turns out that actually having a child seems to be requisite for pushing a stroller all the way to the gate at the airport.) Quite a big day, all told. We were glad to see that she took to the stroller very quickly, dividing her time between long gazes at the sky and, well, naps. Lucky for her, she seems to enjoy the bumpy ride afforded by Europe's many cobble-stoned walkways. Here she is in her stroller:
The you've-got-to-be-kidding-me look on her face may be best explained by this picutre:PS: If you're in Bonn, and thinking about chocolate, the Schokoladen on Münsterstraße comes highly recommended.