Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Been taking tram line 16 every morning to get to class. The class start time has been pushed back a merciful 15 minutes, meaning I can actually leave home at a breezy 8am. In the afternoon, after wandering around a while, I usually find myself in Heumarkt, and catch a bus home. I haven't biked to class – I don't yet know a smooth route. Sometime in the coming week I'll take my bike on the tram, and ride home in the afternoon. There's lots of room for bikes and such on the trams and buses, and carrying them onboard is normal practice. Something I hadn't expected, however, was the yuppie dude who rode his Segway onto the 16 Friday morning (oder Freitag Morgen). I didn't have my camera with me, so this Googled image will have to stand in its place. Anyway, I guess in Marienburg I should expect such things. And maybe I I also shouldn't have been surprised to see him carrying on a conversation using his hands-free Bluetooth sunglasses. Smokin' dude, smokin'.


Unknown said...

Wow just what I need...maybe I should hook up all of our customers with them...I think it would be easy to teach them how to use one...I mean I only spent 45 minutes trying to teach a woman to change the ring tone on her V180 today and I failed. ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

Chris, I know you're cackling and rubbing your hands together with glee!

Chris Burkhalter said...

I so am. Actually, last night I dreamt I was at TriCell wading through a pile of neglected paperwork. It wasn't a nightmare, as such. But I felt anxious when I woke up. I may hafta buy some Bluetooth shades to calm my nerves...